An illustrated book for Xingu native seed collectors
"Collector's Book - Guide to self-management and good practices of the Xingu Seeds Network" is a publication launched in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the Xingu Seeds Network Association, today formed by 568 collectors with almost 300 tons of native seeds from the Cerrado collected, processed and marketed.
Illustrated maps, timeline infographics, organizational chart, the financial cycle, the seed analysis cycle, collection and marketing calendar, as well as scenarios illustrating the moments of seed collection and meetings were prepared.
Illustrations, infographics, graphic design: PatrĂcia Yamamoto
Maps: Aline Ferragutti, Heber Queiroz Alves (in memoriam) and Patricia Yamamoto
Text: Ludmilla Balduino
Review: Elvira Nadai
ISBN 978-65-990953-1-3

Location map of collecting groups and seed houses

"Organizational chart"

"The Network is organized like a forest"